In 1903, the Electric Railway Improvement Company (ERICO) was created to supply power bonds, signal bonds and related welding equipment to railroads, mining and street railway industries. And for the next 112 years, the company expanded and flourished by adding capabilities and brands relevant to their core business as well as by promoting growth with forays into some new business arenas.
ERICO® developed the CADWELD® exothermic welding process in 1938. CADWELD connections have found industry-wide acceptance as the ultimate electrical connection. During the 1970s, ERICO pioneered the development and standardization of the copperbonded steel grounding electrode. Since that time, ERICO’s dominance as the world’s leading supplier of grounding products has seenits expansion into many related industries。
In 2015, ERICO Global Company became part of the Pentair family.
CADDY - Fixing, fastening and support products
ERICO - Electrical grounding, bonding and connectivity products
ERIFLEX - Low voltage power and grounding connections
LENTON - Engineered products for concrete reinforcing steel connections
艾力高是一家防雷及接地系统的制造商,1903 年在美国俄亥俄州成立,全名叫电气化铁路改进公司,1938 年艾力高发明了CADWELD 放热焊接技术,现在CADWELD 焊接技术作为一种无法超越的连接得到各行业的广泛应用,从二十世纪七十年代开始,艾力高在镀铜钢的开发和标准化方面一直处于领先地位,并从那时起,艾力高成为接地行业的领导者,并将其业务拓展到其它行业。